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How To Create A Small Model Train Layout

If you only have a small space in which to set up your model train layout, then you are not alone. There are a lot of model train enthusiasts around in apartments and small houses with only limited space at their disposal to set up a model train layout. In this situation an H0 scale (1:87) model train set is a possibility, but the smaller N (1:160) or Z (1:220) scale model train sets may be more feasible. When you use a smaller scale or narrow gauge, you'll need less space for your model train layout, or can use the available space to achieve smoother curves and switches.

Many model train enthusiasts that have small model train layouts use sectional tracks, because they find it easier than bending flexible track to a smooth but narrow curve.

There Are Limitations Of A Small Model Train Layout

When you plan a small model train layout, it's important that you know the limitations the small space imposes on you and your model train set. Althoughthe space you have available for your train set might limit your choice of scales, the major limitation is usually in the choice of themes you can model. In most cases main line model train set themes wouldn't fit. Whereas, given that you only have a limited space available for your model train set; industrial, branch line and tramway themes are possibly the best model train layout options to consider. If you must have a mainline theme, but don't have space for it, then you'll probably have to scale your model train layout down.

If don't want to compromise, then don't start a small model train layout. There are a number of differences that you will need to accept or adapt yourself to when choosing a small model train layout: the curves may be too sharp, the angles of the switches may be too steep, and the sidings too short. With a small model train layout everything is compressed to the max. But when you think about it, although a small model train layout may not be your first choice, it is better than no train set at all!

By Robert Anderson - Author of best-selling ebook 'Model Train Help'


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This is THE web site for HO Scale slot car enthusiasts in the Denver Colorado area.
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HO Scale slot car racing club based in Connecticut, USA.
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Tires, parts, bodies, cars and racing sets for HO scale slot car racing, based in Westland, Michigan.
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