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Why Join Model Train Clubs

One advantage of buying from a specialist model train hobby store is that of networking. Staff at the model train hobby store probably have contacts at the local model train club and may be able to put you in touch with the model train club members. Most model train enthusiasts are more than helpful and gladly give you the benefit of their experience and introduce you to others with a similar interest in the model train hobby. This way, you can learn insider secrets and model train tips and tricks.

Don't think that everyone in a model train club is experienced. Most model train clubs enjoy a mix of long-time experienced railroaders and new model train club members. It is a good place to learn, because most model train clubs encourage the exchange of ideas between club members. They swap train photos, show train films, discuss model train techniques, network with other model train clubs and even have guest speakers from time to time. Joining a model train club can be truly rewarding experience in terms of what you can learn, the people you meet and the fun you have.

How Much Money To Spend On Your Model Train Hobby.

Model railroading is an excellent hobby and can provide an enormous amount of pleasure. For that reason it is hard to put a value on how much someone should invest in this wonderful hobby of model railroading. It is really up to the individual and what you want from a train set. Some people are happy to just stick with a basic layout, whilst many model train set enthusiasts spend thousands of dollars a year on their model railroading hobby and derive thousands of hours of pleasure and satisfaction in return.

If the objective is to maximize your pleasure from this enthralling hobby, then don�t skimp on the essentials, like a decent locomotive and a good power pack. You don�t have to spend megabucks but you do need to get something that will meet your needs and be functional. You can always add to your train set or upgrade as you become more involved in the model train hobby. So, it�s not a problem if you can�t afford the state of the art stuff from day one.

By Robert Anderson - Author of best-selling ebook 'Model Train Help'


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... Christmas In New York City Village Subscription Plan - Hawthorne Village Villages & Trains Hawthorne Village Christmas In New York City Village Subscription Plan Hawthorne Village ...
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...looking for a train set for that Christmas Village or starting that railroad empire you.....Set.. Retail Price: $260.00.. Internet Trains Price: BACHMANN HO Scale White.....Train Sets.. ...
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Features Christmas Village, Santa, Santa Claus, Mrs. Santa Claus, Municipal Park.. ... CHRISTMAS VILLAGE. Ogden's Christmas Village has been a long ... seeing the trains at Union Station. ...
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Christmas Village Christmas Pines Pennsylvania This little village of residences lights up every Christmas season. Costing around $5 you can roam the village of displays and millions of ...
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... Brands The Bradford Exchange Villages & TrainsHawthorne Village Villages & TrainsDepartment 56 Villages & TrainsMr. Christmas Villages & Trains more Collectibles Brands [ View All ] The ...
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...May p72.. CTT project layout, Christmas village.. Repairing Lionel's no. 3361 Lumber.....Jul p104.. Peeling paint of GG1, Sep p52.. Trains and cars, Oct p46.. Des Plaines.....classics, ...
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...of Christmas Trains for Large Scale and Christmas Village users ..Other Resources.....use for Garden Railroading. Big Christmas Trains(tm) Catalog - A description and.....Garden Train ...
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***Please read the TERMS OF USAGE before taking any of the graphics.*** Please use when linking to my site. Thank you! |Snowmen |Gingerbread Treats |Christmas ...
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Lionel Lines. Christmas Village. A Christmas Tradition. No Christmas would be complete without a train set around the tree. The Pennsylvania Railroad engine #681 above, circa 1950, spent ...
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History of The Great Miniature Railroad and Village of The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Photograph of the very first display of the Miniature ...
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» HO Wagon Weight
18/06/12 23:16 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Stanley wants advice from others in the hobby: "Dear Readers. This question has probably been asked many times [and answered] but I am in the dark about what is an average weight per wagon [European] to hold to the track properly especia...

» HO Track Spacing
18/06/12 23:12 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Richard wants advice from others in the hobby and asks: "What is the spacing of tracks where two run side by side? What is the spacing on curves? Previous answers have referred to NMRA standards but that means nothing to me. If I want to...

» 0 Scale Baggage Car
18/06/12 23:10 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Neil has a question for readers: "I am looking for an accurate representation of the B60b baggage car in the Lindbergh Special to substitute for the model in Lionel's se. It isn't even a Pennsylvania Railroad type and is as long as their...

» Layout Configurations
11/06/12 23:11 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
748 model railroaders voted in our last poll that asked: Which layout configuration(s) do you have on your layout? The results were as follows: Oval Track 303 (40%) Figure 8 Track 65 (8%) Dogbone Track 121 (16%) Twice-Around Track 307 (4...

» Some More Structure Tips
11/06/12 23:06 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
John has kindly contributed this tip. In a recent Tip we learned from Robert Anderson about saving space by having spur tracks and/or a hill leading to a large industry that is out of view and not really on the layout. Another way o...

» HO Scenery Plans and Structures
11/06/12 23:03 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Andrew will like some advice from other railroaders and asks: "Hi guys, I have an 8/4 layout structured on a rural plan. I already have a station, lumber yard, campsite, beach, lake etc. My question is what should I get next for building...

» OO Gauge Tracks
11/06/12 23:01 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Malcolm has a question for experienced model railroaders: "I am a senior beginner to trainsets. I am building 3 tracks on a board 6 x 6 and hopefully bigger in future. But am having problems making the train go from track to track - it c...

» Building A Small Track Plan Using The KISS Principle
07/06/12 00:06 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
John has once again contributed some great ideas to share with others in the hobby. John writes... In the pages of model railroad Tips by Robert Anderson, there are recommendations for small layouts, both around and around and point-to-p...

» Changing Couplers
06/06/12 23:57 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Wayne has a question that has been answered previously (search older postings) and which is answered fully in the members area of the online model train club . Readers might like to give a quick answer. "I have several older N scale cars...

» O Lighted Car Wiring
06/06/12 23:54 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Steven asks readers for advice: "I have 2 North Pole Central passenger cars that had an unfortunate experience, they got hung up on the track and fried the wires inside. Is it any use to try to re-wire them or just pull all the wires out...