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What To Research Before
Selecting Your Model Train Set

Before purchasing a model train set do your own research to familiarize yourself as to what's available. Surf the net because there are lots of useful model train sites. Also, read hobby magazines or model train books. Search for information on the model trains that most interest you.

Surfing the internet you'll see that a lot of model train sites specialize in certain aspects of model railroading or different scales such as HO scale, N scale or Z scale trains. Many of these model train sites offer in-depth information and excellent model train tips and railroading ideas that will help increase your knowledge and stimulate your creative juices.

Search the internet for model train retailers and find out as much information as you can online. Re-visit the hobby shops in person (spend an hour or so in each) and ask more questions. Shop around and then shop around some more.

Your Knowledge Of Model Train Sets

The more you know about model trains, the less chance that you'll be taken for a ride (excuse the pun!). Some shop assistants and internet retailers just want to sell... and others may misunderstand your needs and sell you the wrong thing. However, in saying that, in general hobby shop staff have a wealth knowledge and are happy to share their ideas. Also the more research you do, the better you'll get to know your model train scales, styles and which model train manufacturers you prefer.

Toy stores sometimes carry train sets, but often they specialize in the lower end or battery operated model train set market. Hobby stores are generally more specialized and cater more for the experienced model railroading enthusiasts. They sell more challenging electrical model train sets and offer choices from more manufacturers than do most toy stores. Specialist model train hobby stores usually carry a full range of model train accessories, as well as railroading books, magazines, DVDs and train videos to help you get started. The other advantage is that model train hobby shops typically service what they sell. Although there are exceptions, model train hobby stores generally have shop staff who are knowledgeable about model trains.

Before you purchase your model train set think carefully about where you�re going to display and built it. Select a space where your model train set won't get damaged... and where you have room to enjoy the model train set... and work on... and operate the trains with ease. And, if possible, room enough to expand onto your model train set. Yes, that's something to consider � is it going to be permanent, or is the model train set going to put away after each use?

By Robert Anderson - Author of best-selling ebook 'Model Train Help'


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... Tinplate Times On-line TM Books and Videos Toy Train Revue On-Line Trains Go To Top Prototype ... Bay Colony Railroad Corporation BC Rail Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Canadian ...
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... Great Western Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Chicago, Milwaukee ... North Shore Line Northern Northern Pacific Northwestern Pacific ... Search for Wooden Toy Trains Train: Select... Amtrak ...
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GeorgiaN Trains proudly offers high quality wooden toy trains and N scale products. We are a dealer of Whittle Shortline Railroad wooden trains. ... TRAIN SETS. Steam Set (4-4-0 ... ...
burlington northern toy train
...Toy Trains & Train Sets.. Wooden Trains.. Burlington Northern Train Set.. Your.....Burlington Northern cars. The Burlington Northern train set offers all of our.....Toy Trains & Train ...
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Toy Train Parts. Toy Trains Unlimited. Train America. Train City ... BC Rail. Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway. Canadian National Railway...
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Any Gauge (G) One-Gauge All G HO N No Gauge Number 1 O O-27 On30 S Standard TT Reset Any Category Adhesives Benchwork/Ceiling Systems Books & Videos Cableway Cabooses Containers ...
burlington northern toy train
...the biggest toy train set in the world: Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co.....Burlington Northern on Track.. Burlington Northern on Track.. Burlington Northern on.....to ...
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... NEW /MINT / BOX BURLINGTON NORTHERN CHECK IT ... TRAIN CABBOSE 98601 NORTHERN GREEN BOX Lionel ... LIONEL 6057 CABOOSE Train Car Trains Action ... Classic Toys | Diecast, Toy Vehicles | ...
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Toy Train Parts. Toy Trains Unlimited. Train America. Train City ... BC Rail. Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway. Canadian National Railway...
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Railroad Related Sites You Can Visit page revised Wednesday, July 16, 2003 at 9:23 AM Railroad Sites - Model Railroad Sites - Newsgroups Talk Trains discussion site for prototype or model ...
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...Voltamp, Feb.. Giem, Seth, Nov p90.. D.. Toy-train-tronics: the transformer, p96.....the publisher. A.. Graves track, Jul p90.. Burlington Northern, Nov p138.. Kughn.....Jan p108.. ...
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... W/BULLDOZERS ON TOP Tyco HO Train Burlington Box Car & GN Pipe ... Cars N/R TYCO HO SCALE BURLINGTON NORTHERN BOX CAR 339-E Action ... US | Coins: World | Diecast, Toy Vehicles | ...

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» HO Wagon Weight
18/06/12 23:16 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Stanley wants advice from others in the hobby: "Dear Readers. This question has probably been asked many times [and answered] but I am in the dark about what is an average weight per wagon [European] to hold to the track properly especia...

» HO Track Spacing
18/06/12 23:12 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Richard wants advice from others in the hobby and asks: "What is the spacing of tracks where two run side by side? What is the spacing on curves? Previous answers have referred to NMRA standards but that means nothing to me. If I want to...

» 0 Scale Baggage Car
18/06/12 23:10 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Neil has a question for readers: "I am looking for an accurate representation of the B60b baggage car in the Lindbergh Special to substitute for the model in Lionel's se. It isn't even a Pennsylvania Railroad type and is as long as their...

» Layout Configurations
11/06/12 23:11 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
748 model railroaders voted in our last poll that asked: Which layout configuration(s) do you have on your layout? The results were as follows: Oval Track 303 (40%) Figure 8 Track 65 (8%) Dogbone Track 121 (16%) Twice-Around Track 307 (4...

» Some More Structure Tips
11/06/12 23:06 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
John has kindly contributed this tip. In a recent Tip we learned from Robert Anderson about saving space by having spur tracks and/or a hill leading to a large industry that is out of view and not really on the layout. Another way o...

» HO Scenery Plans and Structures
11/06/12 23:03 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Andrew will like some advice from other railroaders and asks: "Hi guys, I have an 8/4 layout structured on a rural plan. I already have a station, lumber yard, campsite, beach, lake etc. My question is what should I get next for building...

» OO Gauge Tracks
11/06/12 23:01 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Malcolm has a question for experienced model railroaders: "I am a senior beginner to trainsets. I am building 3 tracks on a board 6 x 6 and hopefully bigger in future. But am having problems making the train go from track to track - it c...

» Building A Small Track Plan Using The KISS Principle
07/06/12 00:06 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
John has once again contributed some great ideas to share with others in the hobby. John writes... In the pages of model railroad Tips by Robert Anderson, there are recommendations for small layouts, both around and around and point-to-p...

» Changing Couplers
06/06/12 23:57 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Wayne has a question that has been answered previously (search older postings) and which is answered fully in the members area of the online model train club . Readers might like to give a quick answer. "I have several older N scale cars...

» O Lighted Car Wiring
06/06/12 23:54 from Model Trains and Model Railroading Help
Steven asks readers for advice: "I have 2 North Pole Central passenger cars that had an unfortunate experience, they got hung up on the track and fried the wires inside. Is it any use to try to re-wire them or just pull all the wires out...