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What Are The Advantages Of Flexible Train Track?

Flexible track (often referred to as flex track or flexi track), as its name implies, can be bent to any shape you want. Model railroaders can usually purchase it in three-foot lengths. Flexible train track has the advantage of being bendable which opens up new options when planning a model train layout. Flexible track can be curved or laid straight or any combination you wish. With flexible train track there are usually fewer connections to worry about. Flexible train track does however need to be nailed down to a board and the rails need to be trimmed to length as you bend the train track.

When using flexi track, it is important to remember that if you make the bend too tight in your layout you’ll need to use shorter trains, otherwise your trains will be prone to derailment.

Flexible track also enables you to go into a curve more gently and make the train track fit your train layout without the constraints of fixed track sections.

Which Type Of Train Track Should You Use?

It does not matter what kind of train track you use - it is entirely up to you. You can even use both kinds together. Most model railroad enthusiasts have their preference. Flexible track is more work to set up, but the extra time has the benefit of less joins. The curves can be more realistic too. Depending on where you live, flexible track is usually cheaper than the equivalent length of set track.

By Robert Anderson - Author of best-selling ebook 'Model Train Help'


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...accurate in their detail. With the sound module, a diesel locomotive really sounds.....control panel is installed. Most model-train enthusiasts are adults who have fun.....the locos." ...
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MIDI Drum machine project: (added 4/05) Model Train Diesel & Horn Sound Module: (added 4/02) Noisemaking Circuits: police siren (added 8/03)
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At the heart of the CTI system is a family of pocket-sized printed-circuit boards called "Train Brains". Train Brains are simple, yet versatile remote-control and sensing devices. Train ...
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Custom Model Railroad Design and Construction Lake Linden, Michigan (906) 296-0462 FAX (906) 296-0862 RailDreams, Inc. Newsletter Fall/Winter 2003 RailDreams Opens New Building in Lake ...
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... The sound of silence - CNET ...

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